Activate Your Soulmate Attractor

A SlayShop with Melinda Hill

But first, Let’s deactivate your D*ck Magnet

Sept 4

5:30 pm PST

1.5 hours


About the Event

Celebrity Comedian Melinda Hill who has an Amazon Comedy Special and has also starred in TV and movies is offering her SlayShop at Shine (Self Love and YES)! She has recently spent a lot of time in the Sedona community healing from a toxic relationship and betrayal trauma.

Her special brand of comedy is HEAL-arity: Healing with Humor supporting Female Empowerment.

In this SlayShop you will:

* Learn how to STOP IGNORING all those RED FLAGS
* BREAK UP WITH ALL YOUR OLD “no longer serving you” PATTERNS
* EMPOWER YOURSELF & experience transformation in ALL of your relationships

It’s time to CHECK YOURSELF before you wreck yourself and stop getting high on Hope-ium! What happens in vagueness stays in vagueness so come get the CLARITY you need to change your life because intimacy is just Into-Me-You-See. Why be basic when you can be SLAY-sic?

You will leave this soulmate summit with:
* CLARITY on what you’re calling in
* A PLANIFESTATION (Manifestation Plan)!
* NEW HABITS that will raise your vibration to attract your Soul’s desires

And always remember: YOU are the PRIZE! The Prize doesn’t chase the Winner.


This SlayShop is for you if
  • You are D*CKNOTIZED (compulsively going back to someone who you know is NO GOOD FOR YOU as if under a zombie sabotage spell)
  • You find yourself continuously attracting D*cks and are READY TO ACTIVATE YOUR SOULMATE ATTRACTOR
  • You are READY to deactivate your D*ck Magnet once and for all and set standards and strategies to CALL IN THE PARTNER YOU DESERVE


“The more we share our stories and release the stigma, letting others know they’re not alone, while finding humor and lightness along the way, the more transformation is possible for all of us.”

Melinda's Bio

Melinda Hill

Melinda Hill is an award-winning comedian whose comedy special “Melinda Hill: Inappropriate” is streaming on Amazon and Spotify. Her stand-up has been featured on Late Show, Bonnie Hunt Show, BBC’s World Stands Up, Comics Unleashed, Stand-up In Stilettos, Who Wants To Date a Comedian, and was the host of Byron Allen’s Comedy TV.

Hill’s other credits include Netflix’ Lady Dynamite, Reno 911, Sarah Silverman Program, Nick Swardson’s Pretend Time, Cameron Crowe’s Roadies and more.

Her digital series have garnered millions of views and was named one of LA Weekly’s “10 Best Web Series” and Romantic Encounters with Melinda Hill was recognized for “Outstanding Acting and Writing in a Comedy Series” by LA Weekly Web Awards, LA Web Fest, IndieWire and LA Film Fest.

She is currently on her new S.L.A.Y. tour and is documenting her travel adventures on Instagram @RealMelindaHill, TikTok @MelindaHill and

Investment in Yourself $55

Cancellation Policy:
I understand that I am responsible for the full payment of this service. Due to the expenses associated with the meeting space, materials and staff resources on behalf of each participant, a 48-hour cancellation policy is in effect. Full payment is forfeited for no-shows or cancellations made within 48-hours of the event/session start time.

By reserving my spot, I fully understand that the Shine Team does not consist of medical doctors and does not claim to cure or heal any illness or injury. I willingly take full responsibility for my own health and my experience during and after the event or session.