About Shine’s 1:1 Healing Sessions
& Readings
1:1 Healing Sessions
1:1 Readings

Immerse yourself in 1:1 sacred transformational experiences that support your core healing, personal growth and soul expansion. Held in Sedona’s pristine “Healing Womb Room” and guided by the most extraordinary, world-class Practitioners, every aspect of You will be nourished.

See the detailed list of offerings below. These 1:1 offerings are bookable on the sessions calendar. Check out what offerings are currently bookable by clicking the gold box below.

Don’t see what or when you’re looking for? Click on the gold box below to submit an inquiry form for a specific 1:1 session with your specific dates.

Immerse yourself in 1:1 sacred transformational experiences that support your core healing, personal growth and soul expansion. Held in Sedona’s pristine Consultation Room and guided by the most extraordinary, world-class Practitioners, every aspect of You will be nourished.

See the detailed list of offerings below. These 1:1 offerings are bookable on the consult calendar. Check out what offerings are currently bookable by clicking the gold box below.

Don’t see what or when you’re looking for? Click on the gold box below to submit an inquiry form for a specific 1:1 session with your specific dates.

Our 1:1 healing session offerings

120 – minutes

Shamangelic Healing Journey w/ Anahata Ananda

This two-hour session is Anahata’s signature private session and a great place to begin. Anahata tailors this session to address the issues that are most relevant to you at this time and utilizes a combination of Shamanic tools, energy healing techniques, guided visualizations, essential oils, vibrational sound and clairvoyant spirit guidance to orchestrate transformational healing and activation. This is an insightful and powerful journey inward that empowers you to release your fears, love with your heart and reclaim your power.

CLICK HERE for more information about working with Anahata and to view her other offerings.

60 or 90  – minutes

Shamanic Healing Session w/ Amalia Camateros

During this healing session, Amalia draws on decades of experience and Shamanic Earth Wisdom to assist you in releasing blockages that help you re-calibrate and get back on track with your aliveness and inspiration. She will assist you in getting grounded in your body and centered in your mind and heart, and will shine the light on the hidden shadows to allow them to be embraced with loving awareness. During your session, Amalia draws upon many modalities such as core healing, inner child retrieval, tuning forks, sound healing, breathwork and movement, to help you feel more calm, connected and empowered in your body, mind and spirit.

CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form to work with Amalia.

60 or 90  – minutes

Angel Reiki Session w/ Amanda Shannon

Attune your body to the highest frequency of love and light with an angelic reiki session. During your session, we will call in the Angels and Masters to assist with cellular reprogramming, quantum healing, and light body activation. Reiki energy will flow through your meridians allowing you to feel restored, realigned, and reconnected to your divine Self.

The intention for this session is for your cells to be cleared of old programming, and upgraded with higher vibrational frequencies, so you leave feeling purified and cleansed in every area of your being.

This is truly a one of a kind experience with you and your Angel guides. Session may also include crystal magic, aromatherapy, and sound healing.

CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form to work with Amanda.

60 – minutes

Chakra Balancing Session w/ Athena Soultender

Realign the body’s energy centers and meridians during this session with Athena utilizing vibrational therapy, Reiki, crystals, and aromatherapy.

Experience the release of trapped energetic patterns & restrictions from the physical, emotional, & etheric bodies.

CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form to work with Athena.

60 or 90  – minutes

Restorative Reiki Session w/ Barbie Maraviov

Relax and rejuvenate during a grounding and clearing Reiki session with Barbie. Each session is tailored to your individual needs, drawing upon Barbie’s naturally peaceful energy, intuition and guidance from her and your guides. During your session, she will work through each of the energy centers and the auric field…opening, clearing, aligning and energizing each chakra using a combination of Reiki, crystal healing, sound healing and aroma therapy which results in an overall feeling of relaxation and well-being.

Nervous system reset, cord cutting (release from old/unwanted patterns and associations), DNA healing, and specific physical or emotional injury healing are included in each session.

CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form to work with Barbie.

60 or 90  – minutes

Ancient Healing Reiki Session w/ Tara Renee

An Ancient Reiki healing session with Tara provides a safe and nurturing environment to explore the depths of your soul and to connect with the healing realms. Immerse yourself in the timeless wisdom and profound healing energies of Ancient Reiki. This unique experience draws on the deep roots of traditional Reiki, combined with ancient healing techniques to provide deep relaxation, stress relief, and emotional healing. Through Reiki energy, Tara will assist you in opening your heart, allowing you to reconnect to your true self and to align your purpose.

CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form to work with Tara.

60 – minutes

1:1 Private Sound Ceremony w/ Athena Soultender

Come bathe in a ceremonial sound journey, as you are guided on a deeply transformative journey within.

Immerse in a lush vibrational soundscape, which includes a variety of sound technologies customized for you, including: 
vocal harmonics, crystal bowls, gong, drum, chimes, native wind instruments, harp and guitar.

CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form to work with Athena.

90  – minutes

Womb Healing Session w/ Anahata Ananda

Reclaim the sacred space of your womb. Heal and release sexual trauma and distortions, energetic oppression, and fear. Unleash creativity, passion, safety, empowerment, and embody the sacred feminine.

Anahata masterfully creates a safe and loving space for an inward transformational journey that empowers you to release your fears, open your heart and reclaim your power.

CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form to work with Anahata.

60  – minutes

Cellular Mind Body Reset Session

Held in the sacred space of the Healing Womb room at Shine, surrender into a deep Cellular Mind and Body Reset. The healing energies of The Amethyst Biomat penetrate the body’s cells for detoxification and repair; listening to the bioneural beats unifies and balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Both technologies work together to shift the brain into a more relaxed Alpha state and the nervous system into a parasympathetic state which catalyzes deep peaceful relaxation and cellular regeneration.

The Bioneural beats entrain the brain’s dissonant thoughts into a unified cohesive field of calm focused awareness. The Biomat uses quantum energetic technology, combining the triple synergy of far infrared rays, negative ions therapy, and the superconducting properties of pure amethyst crystal.

CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form to book your Cellular Reset Session today.

1:1 readings/consult offerings

60 or 90  – minutes

Akashic Records Reading w/ Athena Soultender

The Akashic Records are a catalog of your existence as a soul since its inception — a library containing everything your soul has ever felt, thought, imagined and experienced. At any time, you can open the Records and get loving guidance and support from the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of the Records without any judgement.

By calibrating to a higher perspective, and aligning with your exalted soul nature, each Akashic session assists with expanding your consciousness & embracing present possibilities. Receive an energy activation to deeply align you with your true nature and aligned place within the whole.

Receive support in catalyzing spiritual growth & awakening and embodying more of your divine creative essence.

CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form to work with Athena.

60 or 90  – minutes

Intuitive Angel Reading w/ Amanda Shannon

Amanda’s Intuitive Angel Session is a fusion of guided meditation, channeling, and card reading. Before Amanda begins receiving angel messages, she will lead you through a guided meditation to establish your column of light. This assists receptivity and teaches you a new tool to use when connecting with your angels outside of the session.

Next, Amanda will invite in your angels and guides to join in the space and bring forth messages of clarity, and guidance for the highest good of all. You may ask any question or leave it up to spirit. From there the loved ones, angels, and spirit guides take the wheel and bring through any guidance and messages that will assist you. The session ends by thanking the angels and guides for their assistance, and closing the circle.

CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form to work with Amanda.

60 – minutes

Emotional Wellness Counseling w/ Eva Maurice

As a compassionate and knowledgeable emotional wellness counselor at Shine, Eva is dedicated to helping individuals navigate through a wide range of challenging emotions. Whether you find yourself grappling with grief, overwhelm, stress, or other frustrating emotions, she is here to provide the support and guidance needed to regain balance and wellbeing.

Drawing from her extensive decade of experience, she possesses the expertise to assist individuals in their transformative journey towards expanding their careers, relationships, and overall quality of life. Together, we can explore new possibilities and implement effective strategies to unlock your full potential and achieve personal growth.

CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form to work with Eva.

90  – minutes

Family Constellation Session w/ Iara Line

During this private session, Iara will use your family history, dynamics and its morphogenetic field in order to gain insight into an unresolved situation in your life, such as, but not limited to issues with repetitive destructive behaviors, health, relationship issues, finances, profession, etc. You will choose one main issue to work with during the session.

During your session, your family-member will be represented by figurines or objects. With your permission, Iara will enter into the morphogenetic field of your family members and unfold the interactions and issues that may exist within your family members that are causing the current issue.

“Family Constellations are an effective way to transform what is holding you back so that you can live your life from your greatest potential.”

CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form to work with Iara.

30 or 60  – minutes

Oracle + Tarot Session w/ Athena Soultender

An intuitive session with Athena includes the visual landscape of oracle & tarot cards, which reveal deeper truths & patterns in your psyche, soul, and life journey.

CLICK HERE to fill out an inquiry form to work with Athena.