Shine’s Expansion Path

Identify & Amplify Your Soul’s Essence

Whether you are passionately called to embody your Soul’s mission, amplify your spiritual connection or live your most thriving, joyful life, Shine provides the tools, concepts and experiences that will get you there. You are guided by world-class experts to facilitate your radiant expansion.

Enhance Self-Awareness
Unleash Creative Expression
Awaken Ecstatic Joy & Love
Amplify Manifestation & Prosperity
Align & Collaborate with Your Soul Tribe

If you’re on the expansion path to raise your vibration and walk your Soul’s mission, check out these Shine offerings:

Inspirational Group Programs

Explore our inspirational group programs such as Sacred Ceremonies, Inspirational Workshops, Dance Parties, Moon Gatherings, The Empowerment & Awakening Weekend, Healing Modalities Training Courses, Retreat Immersions, Creativity Playshops and more. Find your soul calling and community at Shine. Each event describes in detail the process and benefits so you can find what is right for you.

1:1 Tailored Private Sessions

Look at our 1:1 tailored private sessions calendar for offerings such as a Shamanic Journey, Energy & Reiki Attunement, a Cellular Mind Body Reset Session and more to connect to your higher self, spiritual guidance and soul truth. Each session will describe in depth the process and benefits so you can find what is right for you.

1:1 Tailored Private Consultations

Explore our 1:1 tailored private consultation calendar for offerings such as Emotional Wellness Counseling, Angel/Oracle/Tarot Card Readings, Akashic Record Readings, Human Design and more to obtain insights that will guide you on your soul mission aligned with higher divine guidance. Each consultation will describe in depth the process and benefits so you can find what is right for you.

What goes hand-in-hand with expansion is healing and learning. Check out our other Heal and Learn offerings that will help you heal core wounds and learn new tools to implement lasting change.