Akashic Records Reading

with Athena Soultender

Calibrate to a higher perspective & embrace present possibilities


30 or 60 minutes


About the Session

The Akashic Records are a catalog of your existence as a soul since its inception — a library containing everything your soul has ever felt, thought, imagined and experienced. At any time, you can open the Records and get loving guidance and support from the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of the Records without any judgement.

By calibrating to a higher perspective, and aligning with your exalted soul nature, each Akashic session assists with expanding your consciousness & embracing present possibilities. Receive an energy activation to deeply align you with your true nature and aligned place within the whole.

Receive support in catalyzing spiritual growth & awakening and embodying more of your divine creative essence.

Benefits & Take-aways of this Experience
Explore relationships, soul gifts, past experiences, present challenges & future possibilities
Receive messages from your Higher-Self, Guides and Ancestors
Align with your highest timeline, embrace gifts & challenges and clear karmic debt
Gain self-knowledge to support greater authenticity & confidence

Special Instructions: Bring questions, curiosity and an openness to receive! You may record the session on your phone, if you wish.

Practitioner Bio

Athena Soultender

Athena is dedicated to catalyzing spiritual growth & awakening. She offers many modalities for healing and expansion including private sound ceremonies, oracle readings, Akashic readings as well as meditation and song ceremony for renewed mental clarity & insight, heart awakening, and deep emotional & cellular recalibration.
Investment in Yourself $111/222

Cancellation Policy:
I understand that I am responsible for the full payment of this service. Due to the expenses associated with the meeting space, materials and staff resources on behalf of each participant, a 48-hour cancellation policy is in effect. Full payment is forfeited for no-shows or cancellations made within 48-hours of the event/session start time.

By reserving my spot, I fully understand that the Shine Team does not consist of medical doctors and does not claim to cure or heal any illness or injury. I willingly take full responsibility for my own health and my experience during and after the event or session.

This offering supports the following paths


