Gratitude Circle Workshop

with Eva Maurice

“Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life” ~ Rumi
Nov 24
12 noon
About the Event

Welcome to the Gratitude Circle workshop where we celebrate the power of appreciation and enter the holiday season and new year with deep love, joy and peace. This workshop is a wonderful way to embrace the Thanksgiving spirit and express gratitude through the creation of beautiful gratitude mandalas.

During this workshop, you will join a circle of like-minded individuals, eager to explore the concept of gratitude and share their own appreciation stories. Led by Eva Maurice, a Spiritual Counselor and warm, experienced Facilitator, the workshop will begin with an opening meditation to set an intention of gratitude and foster a peaceful atmosphere.

After the meditation, we will share our stories of appreciation in a talking circle. Then we will embark on a journey of self-expression as you delve into creating your own mandala. (Mandalas are circular patterns that symbolize balance, unity, and harmony). By infusing these mandalas with colors and shapes that represent your gratitude, you will transform them into powerful symbols of appreciation and positive energy.

Let us gather as a community, to embark on a profound exploration of gratitude that will inspire love, joy, and peace for the holiday season and beyond.

Benefits & Take-aways of this Experience
Express gratitude through the creation of a mandala
Create powerful symbols of appreciation and positive energy
Inspire love, joy, and peace for the holiday season and beyond
Gather in community

Special Instructions: All supplies will be provided, wear comfortable clothing, and bring a friend and an open heart!

Facilitator Bio

Eva Maurice

As a contemporary spiritual counselor, Eva Maurice inspires seekers to evolve and live the life they desire. Her compassionate yet candid approach creates a safe space for her clients to find and express their deepest truths and develop a clearer perspective on their dreams and life’s purpose. Studying at University of Santa Monica, University of Sedona, Arizona State University, McLean Meditation Center and a 20 year career in the Spa and Wellness Industry has given Eva the experience to support a wide range of clients.
What People are Saying About the Experience
What People are Saying About the Experience
“Working with Eva has allowed me to reflect on my past, focus on the present and be committed to my future! She has given me the tools to reach my short and long term goals. She is an amazing spiritual leader and my life is forever changed now that I’ve learned her techniques!!! I am truly blessed.”
Micah, IL

Investment in Yourself $44

Cancellation Policy:
I understand that I am responsible for the full payment of this service. Due to the expenses associated with the meeting space, materials and staff resources on behalf of each participant, a 48-hour cancellation policy is in effect. Full payment is forfeited for no-shows or cancellations made within 48-hours of the event/session start time.

By reserving my spot, I fully understand that the Shine Team does not consist of medical doctors and does not claim to cure or heal any illness or injury. I willingly take full responsibility for my own health and my experience during and after the event or session.

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