Shamanic Voice Activation Ceremony

with Earthshine

connect to the most essential & basic part of you: your voice
June 29

2 pm

2.5 – hours


About the Event

Shamanic Voice Activation Ceremony is an invitation to connect to the most essential and basic part of you: your voice. In the beginning was a big AUM (the primal sound) resonating through the cosmos, that was consciousness expressing itself for the first time through sound. This is the most ecstatic expression of existence and freedom we have. How often might you have been silenced or asked to change your natural expression to fit in? Do you feel alive, expressing all the ecstasy of the creativity you are here to celebrate? It takes immense intentionality, focus and embodied integrity to come back to the Truth: that we are not separate from the core of ourselves, our deepest sacredness, the big AUM of ourself.

We have the power within ourselves to be everything we want to be, and to create that with joy. If we feel separate or pent-up from those places that want to emerge and express, we can call those places back home within a strong container. We can take that next step towards True Voice Reclamation together through intentional ceremony, group containership, embodiment, shamanic breathwork journeying and Re-emerging connecting our voice with vocal rewilding play.

Benefits & Take-aways of this Experience
Root into deep safety in the body through breath and voice
Anchor new empowered & embodied connection back into your system
Support yourself to sing with more trust in the body, accessing support from the root and legs to support and sing with your whole vocal essence
Learn Integration tools to empower healthy boundaries, voice your truth, and support yourself on all levels of your being

Special Instructions: Please dress comfortably. Mats, blankets, pillows, eye covers are provided.

Facilitator Bio's

Abigail Earthshine

Abigail Earthshine is a Musical Medicine Woman and classically-trained opera singer, a trauma-informed breathwork and voice activation Therapist, a sound healer and a catalyst for true self emergence.

Abigail works with those experiencing a shutdown of voice, a fear of judgment or challenge speaking up and assists them to heal patterns of people-pleasing or codependency. She assists her clients in cultivating healthy boundaries, holding a safe container to heal deep feelings of unworthiness. She teaches how to establish rituals to use the voice with strength and confidence, and ultimately find more play, ease and joyful celebration through authentic self-expression.

What People are Saying About the Experience
What People are Saying About the Experience
My experience working with Abigail was powerful and transformative. Abigail is an extremely intuitive healer that uses sound, breathwork and voice activation to help release deep emotional blocks. Through her gentle guidance, I learned how to connect with my breath and unlock the power of my own voice.

She provided a safe space to release and be vulnerable. She is passionate about the work she does and it shows through her patience, her intuitive knowledge and her healing energy. My sessions with Abigail gave me renewed confidence in my own healing and took away some powerful tools to help me along my own journey. I highly recommend Abigail to anyone looking to free themselves from deep emotional wounding and start living a more empowered life.

Jennifer Buljan

Investment in Yourself $44

Cancellation Policy:
I understand that I am responsible for the full payment of this service. Due to the expenses associated with the meeting space, materials and staff resources on behalf of each participant, a 48-hour cancellation policy is in effect. Full payment is forfeited for no-shows or cancellations made within 48-hours of the event/session start time.

By reserving my spot, I fully understand that the Shine Team does not consist of medical doctors and does not claim to cure or heal any illness or injury. I willingly take full responsibility for my own health and my experience during and after the event or session.

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