Velvet Flow ~ A Feminine Qi Gong Practice & Workshop

with KC Baker

learn to create a nervous system that feels like velvet 

oct 5

5 pm

3 – hours


About the Event

You’ve manifested a lot in your time…work you’ve dreamed of, relationships you’ve called in, perhaps a home you love and kids.

But, perhaps, you too have been pretty wow’d by all the energy that is then required to hold & tend all your creations? We can truly cultivate a nervous system that feels like velvet and next level vitality, sensual aliveness & off the hook happiness for no reason whatsoever other than it feels amazing to be alive.

Velvet Flow practices are like a deep river carving away the rough edges of stored fear, trauma & defenses in the nervous system and body that keep you from feeling relaxed & safe in your life. Life becomes easier & more pleasurable, as you begin to dwell in the energies of trust, abundance & delight.

Ancient Taoist Practice is reknowned for its secrets in creating heightened & deepened states of spiritual connection during sexual intimacy (whether for solo or dual practice). During the workshop, you will learn potent, beautiful practices for safely releasing stored fear & trauma, embodying & expanding your own orgasmic energy, and opening to deeper states of self love and devotional, spiritual connection.

Feminine Qi Gong is extraordinary at supporting you in creating hormonal balance and vibrancy during all the major transitions of our lives as women. Learn to restore lost “jing” (sexual lifeforce energy) with our Taoist yin practices, and become balanced, nourished, energized, serene & sensually enlivened.

Benefits & Take-aways of this Experience

Experience the preciousness of your feminine essence, power, creative force and beauty

Shift from body shame to body pride

Feel calm, centered and more in love with yourself, who you are and who you are becoming

Learn to nourish your body and energy and prioritize yourself in ways far more significant and life-giving than the simple “self-care” we are accustomed to

Learn to become balanced, nourished, energized, serene & sensually enlivened

Facilitator Bio

KC Baker

KC learned the hard way that being powerfully committed to a mission and sacred work, as well as being a mon, a land owner, friend, partner, daughter…takes a lot of energy.  

KC has spent 15 years dedicated to supporting thousands of women in connecting with the wisdom of their feminine energy to feel safe & free to share their authentic voices, and to cultivating deep internal health, vitality, serenity & sensual radiance.

She has studied Tantric and Taoist practices for 20 years, but when these particular practices landed in my lap…they literally saved my life. Sensual movement and Feminine Qi Gong help her feel like her nervous system is pure velvet. They plug her into an infinite stream of vibrant energy and totally change the quality and energy of her days. Her hormones are more balanced. The practices plus a strong detox routine have helped her to no longer get hot flashes and her sleep and energy are much improved. She’s a more loving, fun, present and turned on woman.

“I want for you to experience the healing and deep inner luxuriousness and aliveness these practices can provide you. I honestly believe that for women who hold a lot and who desire to live and create with alignment and vibrant energy, these practices are the secret sauce.”

What People are Saying About the Experience
What People are Saying About the Experience

Velvet Flow is what I and so many women need to feel the preciousness of our feminine essence, power, creative force and beauty. Thank you for making it possible for us to experience and practice!”

Ellen Springwind

Investment in Yourself $55

Cancellation Policy:
I understand that I am responsible for the full payment of this service. Due to the expenses associated with the meeting space, materials and staff resources on behalf of each participant, a 48-hour cancellation policy is in effect. Full payment is forfeited for no-shows or cancellations made within 48-hours of the event/session start time.

By reserving my spot, I fully understand that the Shine Team does not consist of medical doctors and does not claim to cure or heal any illness or injury. I willingly take full responsibility for my own health and my experience during and after the event or session.

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