Tools for Conscious Parenting Workshop

with Anahata Ananda

Break the Unhealthy Cycles and Build Loving Family Bonds

oct 2

5 pm PST

2 – hours

$65 in person $44 virtual

About the Event

Parents, I know you don’t want to pass on to your children some of the unconscious ways in which you were parented. You may still be feeling wounded, insecure and bitter about how things occurred. You may have acquired some of those bad habits yourself and struggle with your triggers and guilt for the mistakes made as a parent.  I’m here to help you navigate through it all and learn new tools for conscious parenting. Let’s break the cycle. I am here to help you create stronger, healthier relationships with your children where they feel safe, seen and loved. This is for parents with children of all ages.

Benefits & Take-aways of this Experience
Learn how to heal your own wounds so you are not parenting from a hurt place
Learn new tools for creating a safe space for feelings and emotions to be expressed

Learn how to listen and communicate more calmly, clearly and consciously

Learn how to build a strong foundation with clear boundaries & expectations

Learn how to create an encouraging environment for your children to forge their own authentic path

Special Instructions: Please dress comfortably. Bring water and a journal/pen (or come early to purchase these in the Shine Boutique).

Facilitator Bio

Anahata Ananda

Founder of the Sedona’s Shine Sanctuary and Shamangelic Healing, Anahata Ananda blends the compassion and tenderness of an Angel and the wisdom and strength of a Shaman to guide profound journeys of core healing and spiritual awakening. For over 2-decades, Master Teacher, Shamanic Healer, Certified High-Performance Coach and Soul Guide, Anahata has guided tens of thousands of individuals through core shifts, helping them to turn their life around and create the life of their dreams. Anahata masterfully creates a safe and loving space for inward transformational journeys that empower individuals to release their fears, open their hearts and reclaim their power.

What People are Saying About the Experience
What People are Saying About the Experience

Anahata’s work helped me to reconnect with myself. It provided the tools to clear away the emotional baggage that I’ve been carrying around and the debris that has been clouding my ability to experience joy, laughter and love. The experience has enabled me to bring back into my life a renewed perspective and strength to deal with life’s challenges.

Gail M.

Investment in Yourself $65/44

Cancellation Policy:
I understand that I am responsible for the full payment of this service. Due to the expenses associated with the meeting space, materials and staff resources on behalf of each participant, a 48-hour cancellation policy is in effect. Full payment is forfeited for no-shows or cancellations made within 48-hours of the event/session start time.

By reserving my spot, I fully understand that the Shine Team does not consist of medical doctors and does not claim to cure or heal any illness or injury. I willingly take full responsibility for my own health and my experience during and after the event or session.

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