Akashic Records Reading

with Devani Paige

Calibrate to a higher perspective & embrace present possibilities


60 & 90 minutes available

222 / 333

About the Session

The Akashic Records are a catalog of your existence as a soul since its inception — a library containing everything your soul has ever felt, thought, imagined and experienced. At any time, you can open the Records and get loving guidance and support from the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones of the Records without any judgement.

The Akashic Records have been called the Etheric Library or The Book of Life where you can access your souls blueprint and be guided to follow our own intuition, while experiencing clarity, healing, freedom and true connection to our Divine Self.

While sitting in the Akashic Light you may receive downloads and the realization of your full potential, release anxiety, depression, old limiting beliefs and habits, healing inner child wounds and so much more.

Connect with your angels and guides and feel aligned with your highest timeline with an Akashic Records Reading.

Benefits & Take-aways of this Experience
Explore relationships, soul gifts, past experiences, present challenges & future possibilities
Receive messages from your Higher-Self, Guides and Ancestors
Align with your highest timeline, embrace gifts & challenges and clear karmic debt
Gain self-knowledge to support greater authenticity & confidence

Special Instructions: Bring questions, curiosity and an openness to receive! You may record the session on your phone, if you wish.

Practitioner Bio

Devani Paige

Devani holds a B.S. degree, a Ph.D. in Life Coaching, multiple International yoga certifications and her Akashic Records Practitioner Certification. She grew up in a musical family in the Midwest and upon graduating from college, she mainly focusing on being a singer/songwriter and performing musician. She took a part-time job as an Office Manager at a yoga studio which completely changed her life. Before long she found herself in Sedona, in 2007, taking her 200-hour Hatha Yoga training, and she has never left!

Since 2007, Devani has been providing yoga, meditation, sound healing, and Akashic Records sessions to more than 10,000 people in the Sedona area. It is her honor to guide you on a customized path back to your Authentic Self!

What People are Saying About the Experience
What People are Saying About the Experience

“My Akashic Records session with Devani was truly transformative. I had been struggling with feelings of unworthiness and doubting my own inner guidance. Through Devani’s soothing voice, and gentle and insightful process of accessing the Akashic Records, she helped me see clearly the patterns that had been holding me back. What made the experience even more special was how Devani used her essential oils to create a sacred and grounding atmosphere, and her Oracle cards that provided even further clarity that resonated deeply with my soul. After the session, I felt empowered and more connected to myself than I felt in a long time. I am so grateful for Devani and her gifts, and I cannot recommend her enough! “

Hannah, San Francisco, California

Investment in Yourself $222 / 333

Cancellation Policy:
I understand that I am responsible for the full payment of this service. Due to the expenses associated with the meeting space, materials and staff resources on behalf of each participant, a 48-hour cancellation policy is in effect. Full payment is forfeited for no-shows or cancellations made within 48-hours of the event/session start time.

By reserving my spot, I fully understand that the Shine Team does not consist of medical doctors and does not claim to cure or heal any illness or injury. I willingly take full responsibility for my own health and my experience during and after the event or session.

This offering supports the following paths


