Reflect and Renew: A Breathwork Experience for Holiday Harmony

with Madelaina and Nate

Reconnect with your inner peace & step into the holidays shining bright

Dec 1
10 am
About the Event

As the holiday season twinkles into view, the magical hues of winter beckon us to pause, reflect, and renew. Yet amidst the festive cheer, the holidays can stir up a whirlwind of unsettled feelings and memories, often re-triggering old patterns and challenging our sense of inner peace.

Breathwork is not just a practice but a profound exploration into the rhythms of your inner world. With each inhale, you invite in fresh vitality; with every exhale, you allow repressed emotions to surface and be released in a safe and supportive environment. It’s a dance of energy and awareness, a way to recalibrate your nervous system and harmonize your emotional landscape.

Let this ceremony be your gift to yourself—an opportunity to breathe deeply, release fully, and step into the season from a place of peace with a soul that shines brightly.

Benefits & Take-aways of this Experience

Reconnect with the essence of who you are, leaving behind the clutter of holiday stress and emotional upheaval.

Release old patterns and re-triggered wounds that may have surfaced, allowing you to let go and create space for new beginnings.

Rejuvenate your spirit and body, preparing for the end of year festivities and the cozy embrace of winter with a renewed sense of balance and peace.

Re-center and ground yourself in the present moment, embracing the holidays from a place of inner calm and centered strength.

Special Instructions: Please dress comfortably. Everything you need is provided at Shine (mat, pillow, blanket, eye covering). Feel free to bring along a journal if you’d like.

Facilitator's Bios

Madelaina DiPasquale

Nate Langley

Nate Langley is a soul guide and breathwork practitioner who specializes in helping people heal and grow by re-connecting with their authentic selves.

Originally from Michigan, Nate moved to the Verde Valley in 2022 after dealing with severe health complications related to mold toxicity.

Nate works with his clients to help them understand the intricate connection between our emotional and physical health and teaches them practices to restore flow and ease in their bodies.

Investment in Yourself $55

Cancellation Policy:
I understand that I am responsible for the full payment of this service. Due to the expenses associated with the meeting space, materials and staff resources on behalf of each participant, a 48-hour cancellation policy is in effect. Full payment is forfeited for no-shows or cancellations made within 48-hours of the event/session start time.

By reserving my spot, I fully understand that the Shine Team does not consist of medical doctors and does not claim to cure or heal any illness or injury. I willingly take full responsibility for my own health and my experience during and after the event or session.

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